Luis Carlos Rodríguez – Spain

Luis Carlos Rodríguez García. Avila Spain. I reside in Valladolid, Licensed in Fine Arts. University of the Basque Country. Currently a professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Valladolid. Biography Art I Have made individual and collective exhibitions of painting, photography, video art, installations and audiovisual performances in: Avila, Alicante, Barakaldo, Bilbao, Granada, Madrid, Salamanca, Valladolid (Spain). Toulouse, Nice, Aquitaine and Aveyron. Decazeville, (France). Monterrey, Guanajuato and México DF (México). London, Morecambe, Walthamstow y Cambridge (UK). Atlanta, Burbank, Venice. Tampa, Asheville. (USA) Warsaw, (Poland). Berlin, (Germany), Kyoto (Japón), Roma (Italy), Lisboa, (Portugal). Guanzanghou, (China). Sofia. (Bulgaria). Timisoara, (Rumania). Belgrade (Serbia), Cusco (Perú). Bengal (India)
Collage22, 2020

The public domain allows us to recreate unforgettable scenes, both visually and narratively. In collage 22 we investigate how the same scenes are related and reinterpreted repeatedly at the same time and different spaces / times intersect: generating one and a thousand new stories and a multiple audiovisual reality. // El dominio público nos permite recrear escenas inolvidables, tanto desde lo visual como desde la narrativa. En collage 22 investigamos como se relacionan y reinterpretan reiteradamente las misma escenas al mismo tiempo y se cruzan distintos espacios/tiempos: generando una y mil historias nuevas y una multiple realidad audiovisual.