October 23, 2019
Curated by Dee Hood

At the intersection of art and technology the artists selected for CONNECT 2019 are experimenting with space, time, form and sound while re-examining the way we communicate ideas and tell stories.  

The eighteen artists represent thirteen countries and a variety of styles and processes. The results range from sensual abstraction to the strange visual effects of computer coding.  

The work addresses personal, social and political issues relevant to our times.  

Our common thread is an interest in expanding the concepts of art/film/technology and exploring the medium itself. We initially connected via Internet – Facebook / YouTube / Vimeo.

Most of us have never met in person but we have established a strong camaraderie through shared screenings around the world and/or our common love of the moving image. 

Dee Hood, Curator, CONNECT 2019 

If you’re interested in connecting with other video artists through social media try:


“No matter what they tell you, you don’t have to stay within the lines”
Natalie Portman